12 Angry Men

• TOP NOTCH (my top choices)
• HONORABLE MENTION (well worth watching)
• YOU MIGHT WANT TO CONSIDER (I like them but you might not)
• CLASSICS (Great movies up through the 1960s - many don't have any rating)

12 ANGRY MEN (1957) - PG - CLASSIC
Henry Fonda, Lee J. Cobb, Martin Balsam    

Summary - A jury holdout attempts to prevent a miscarriage of justice by forcing his colleagues to reconsider the evidence.

Cautions -Nothing

Commentary - Sidney Lumet's 12 Angry Men is one of the greatest American films of all time. Superbly executed, it offers a fascinating look at the strengths and weaknesses of the American legal system that remains unmatched.

Almost the entire movie takes place in the Juror's deliberation room but from the confines of that small space, writer Reginald Rose creates a world of storytelling. It's a film where tension comes from personality conflict, dialogue and body language, not action scenes, fist fights or car chases.

I promise, you have seen nothing like this movie. Watch it with friends or family and make sure you have time to discuss it afterward.


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